Thursday, April 19, 2007

When you first walk into Ms Wendy's, you will marvel at the remarkable variety of goods we have to offer, including ironstone, farm tables, primitive cabinets, silver, clocks, pewter, linens, paintings and the list goes on and on.

But if you look again, you will see the age, the love, the character and the history of each and every piece you touch and will find yourself reminiscing about your childhood, or the memories of someone long since gone.

This week at Ms. Wendy's we want to show you pieces of long ago with new uses such as this great old horse gate with original hinges that we are sure with a little imagaintation you will find would make a wonderful entrance to your secret garden.

Using unusual pieces or architectural items in your flower beds not only looks great but adds age and can look amazing when trying to achieve a "Cottage Garden"

Concrete statuary will add quite a bit of interest, not only does it blend well, but will age and give the sense of being there for decades.

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